i've definitely gotten to feeling pretty comfortable here (outside of

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eth |
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signs in zurich |
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lucerne |
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lucerne |
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football! zurich vs. bern |
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football - zurich vs. bern |
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limmatschwimmen |
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limmatschw |
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biking and stupid bees |
the other day, i was walking around the main shopping area in zurich - bahnhofstrasse - and noticed that there was a place near one of the big department stores where bikes are "rented" for free. i couldn't really tell much else about the place, since everything was written in german, and so i asked whitney (a phd student in the lab) about it. apparently, from may to october, you can "hire" a zurich city bike for free (just put a deposit of 20 francs and provide your id, you get both back when you return the bike). the company, called zuri rollt, has big sponsors like mcdonald's (which is how they can afford to be free), and basically does this to promote environmentally friendly modes of transportation.
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beatenberg and interlaken |
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beatenberg |
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rhinefall |
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rhinefall |
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partying swiss style |
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party for erik |
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do not go to this restaurant |
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lily's and acapulco's |
since people have been returning from vacation, i've had the opportunity to socialize and get to know some of the students outside of the lab. this week, a group of us went to an asian restaurant called lily's located in the (former) red light district of zurich. the place was super crowded and we were a group of a 11. the food was worth the wait though and afterwards we went across the street to a pub called acapulco which was also a good time.
one of the really nice things about the group of students here is that it's so international. besides the ones from switzerland, there are people here from all over europe and asia, as well as the u.s. it makes for a very global perspective.
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lily's and acapulco's |
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mexican food |
so one day last week, i was feeling nostalgic about mexican food in the states, specifically chipotle. a friend from the lab (whitney, who is an american phd student here) took me to a mexican restaurant here - desperados and it was so so good. the picture to the right shows whitney holding the huge menu - in the shape of a cactus.
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lindenhof |
one of the nice things about zurich is that there seems to be an endless list of places and things to see around the city, which don't require much time and aren't very difficult to get to. one such place recommended to me by a coworker was a park called the lindenhof. it's located it on a high hill in the middle of downtown zurich. there's a nice view of the other side of the river, people just lounging on benches and on the grass, and some locals playing chess and petanque.lindenhof
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museum fur gestaltung |
a couple of weekends ago (didn't get a chance to write about this before) i got a chance to see a couple of exhibits at the museum of design (museum fur gestaltung) with a friend from the group at eth.
there were two exhibits - one on design inspired by all things in nature (like furniture based on algae microstructure) and one on all things related to time (clocks, time tables, swatch watches). both were pretty cool.
on a side note, the day we went was very sunny and i guess one of the things to do in zurich is "surf" on the river. when we were walking to the museum, we passed someone doing this - with a rope tied to a bridge. check out the pic to see what i mean.
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museum of design |
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montreux |
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montreux |
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davos |
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davos |
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singaporean food |
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singaporea |
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a little story |
so last week, i went to the travel agency at the main train station to figure out the logistics of my train ride to davos (where i was meeting my dad). i took a number and was waiting on a bench. i happened to be sitting with my legs crossed and my ipod in. this indian guy (probably ~50 years old or so) sits on the bench next to me and the conversation goes like this (by the way, imagine him saying everything with an indian accent):
him: you know, that's a very indian thing to do
me (somewhat startled that he's talking to me): uh, what is a very indian thing to do?
him (gesturing to my food): you know, the way you're doing that with your foot
(i guess i didn't realize i was sitting and moving my foot in a circle while i was waiting)
him: you probably do that in your sleep too but you don't realize. it's a very indian thing to do. i can tell you're not nervous. just an indian thing to do.
me: oh ok, i didn't realize
then he started asking me what i was doing in zurich, where i was from, if i spoke hindi (when i said yes, the rest of the convo was in hindi). and then he told me his whole life story - that he had been in zurich for 46 years, that he had married a swiss woman (which ended in divorce), and now he was retired and remarried to a bengali woman who lives in india. he presently lives 6 months in zurich and 6 months in india. when my number showed up, i said goodbye, he shook my hand and that was it.
i found it interesting because in the 2+ weeks i've been here, i've really seen very few indians. the ones that i have seen, stare like crazy at me. probably because there aren't many brown people here. this man that i met seemed like a nice guy, just looking for some conversation.
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a quick update |
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weekend in zurich |
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zurich - 2 |
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first impressions |
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first impression |
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